*********************************************************************************Spiders, Bugs, House Spiders, Giant House Spiders, Spider Pets, Spider Identification, Spider Habitat, Insects, Entomology, Camel Spiders, Solifugae, Sun Spider, Wind Scorpion, Assassin Spider, Crane Fly, Daddy Long Leg, Harvestmen, Cellar Spiders, Daddy Long Legs, Spider Named After Neil Young, Myrmekiaphila Neilyoungi, Myrmekiaphila neilyoungi, Brazilian Wandering Spider, Brazilian Wandering Spiders, Stephen Colbert, Stephen Colbert Spider, Aptostichus stephencolberti, Aptostichus Stephencolberti
Friday, September 19, 2008
Stephen Colbert's Spider
*********************************************************************************Spiders, Bugs, House Spiders, Giant House Spiders, Spider Pets, Spider Identification, Spider Habitat, Insects, Entomology, Camel Spiders, Solifugae, Sun Spider, Wind Scorpion, Assassin Spider, Crane Fly, Daddy Long Leg, Harvestmen, Cellar Spiders, Daddy Long Legs, Spider Named After Neil Young, Myrmekiaphila Neilyoungi, Myrmekiaphila neilyoungi, Brazilian Wandering Spider, Brazilian Wandering Spiders, Stephen Colbert, Stephen Colbert Spider, Aptostichus stephencolberti, Aptostichus Stephencolberti
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Venom Vs. Poison
Venom on the other hand, is a substance used by animals only, and is commonly injected into another organism through fangs or stingers for hunting or defensive purposes. The main difference between venom and
(Pictured above is the sym-
bol for poison.)
poison is that and animal that is venomous actually puts the venom into an organism, while an animal that is poisonous would just have the poison always their, regardless if the organism actually poisons anything.
Spiders, Bugs, House Spiders, Giant House Spiders, Spider Pets, Spider Identification, Spider Habitat, Insects, Entomology, Camel Spiders, Solifugae, Sun Spider, Wind Scorpion, Assassin Spider, Crane Fly, Daddy Long Leg, Harvestmen, Cellar Spiders, Daddy Long Legs, Spider Named After Neil Young, Myrmekiaphila Neilyoungi, Myrmekiaphila neilyoungi, Brazilian Wandering Spider, Brazilian Wandering Spiders, House Spider Pets, How to care for a House Spider, House Spider Care, venom vs. poison, venom versus poison, venom and poison, venom, poison
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Caring For a House Spider
- First off, you will want to find your pet. Sometimes, a House Spider will find you, and in that case you can skip this step. You may stumble upon one in your sink, and if so you are lucky. If you are planning to go looking for a House Spider however, the best places are in piles of wood or rarely disturbed structures, such as a shed, or garage. Once you have found your future pet, you will want to push it or scoop it up into a container with vertical and slippery sides. A glass container works best, but plastic ones can also work well. You will want to use gloves, because there is always a chance the spider you found is a Hobo Spider.
- Once you have captured you House Spider, you will want to start constructing it a suitable habitat. The size of the cage or container is really up to you, but I would recommend using no less then a large jar, because House Spiders appear to like building big webs. I would recommend using a small cage, because it has more room so you won't disturb the spider when you give it water. Also, if you have a container with corners, use it because House Spiders prefer hiding and building their webs in corners. You will want to put some kind of material along the bottom of the container. I would recommend using sand, but you are free to experiment with anything. After that, you should add in some sticks, small pieces of wood, dried up leaves, or whatever else you want. I put a stack of small wood pieces, and Housy, (my House Spider), loved it. I would highly recommend doing this, because it also gives you a base on which to put other sticks, leaves, etc. Put plenty of stuff inside the container, because House Spiders appear to favor a more cramped habitat. Once you habitat is complete, you can gently slide the spider out of its container into its final home. (The spider will not get hurt if it falls from a higher distance.)
- Once you have introduced your House Spider (I would recommend naming it by now) to its habitat, do not be surprised if it starts desperately trying to crawl out. This is natural and it will stop shortly after. Once the spider has settled down, it may not move from its spot for several days. But after about four or five days (don't be surprised if it takes longer), you may begin to see little strands of web in your cage. This is a sign that you spider is beginning to warm up to its home. House Spiders do not move much, and they may be quite slow and still throughout their life. I would say House Spiders are not the best pets for people who like to "interact" with their pets.
- Now you will want to take care of your spider's basic needs. For water purposes, you will want to use a damp sponge or paper towel. Make sure it isn't soaking, but make it nice and damp. Once you place the sponge or paper towel, all you will have to do is make sure to re-moisturize it every few days. For food, I bought tiny crickets at a pet store and dropped them into the cage. Housy immediately started grabbing them and biting them. If you do not have a pet store with small crickets, you can go looking for insects and then drop them in the cage. I would recommend not using pill bugs, also known as sow bugs, rollie-pollies, or woodlice, because Housy did not seem interested at all. You do not have to feed your spider that much, maybe five crickets every two weeks. House Spiders can go months without food or water, but its best to not starve your spider.
That is my little guide to caring for a House Spider. If you see a House Spider in you home and do not want to keep it as a pet, instead of just leaving it there, I would recommend relocating it to a more unused section of your home or in your garage. Do not put it outside, because chances are it will die out there. Always respect you pets, and if your spider seems to not be taking well to its new home, then put it back in an unused structure so it can continue to survive.
Spiders, Bugs, House Spiders, Giant House Spiders, Spider Pets, Spider Identification, Spider Habitat, Insects, Entomology, Camel Spiders, Solifugae, Sun Spider, Wind Scorpion, Assassin Spider, Crane Fly, Daddy Long Leg, Harvestmen, Cellar Spiders, Daddy Long Legs, Spider Named After Neil Young, Myrmekiaphila Neilyoungi, Myrmekiaphila neilyoungi, Brazilian Wandering Spider, Brazilian Wandering Spiders, House Spider Pets, How to care for a House Spider, House Spider Care
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Feeding Frenzy
Spiders, Bugs, House Spiders, Giant House Spiders, Spider Pets, Spider Identification, Spider Habitat, Insects, Entomology, Camel Spiders, Solifugae, Sun Spider, Wind Scorpion, Assassin Spider, Crane Fly, Daddy Long Leg, Harvestmen, Cellar Spiders, Daddy Long Legs, Spider Named After Neil Young, Myrmekiaphila Neilyoungi, Myrmekiaphila neilyoungi, Brazilian Wandering Spider, Brazilian Wandering Spiders
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Brazillian Wandering Spider Revealed
Spiders, Bugs, House Spiders, Giant House Spiders, Spider Pets, Spider Identification, Spider Habitat, Insects, Entomology, Camel Spiders, Solifugae, Sun Spider, Wind Scorpion, Assassin Spider, Crane Fly, Daddy Long Leg, Harvestmen, Cellar Spiders, Daddy Long Legs, Spider Named After Neil Young, Myrmekiaphila Neilyoungi, Myrmekiaphila neilyoungi, Brazilian Wandering Spider, Brazilian Wandering Spiders
Myrmekiaphila neilyoungi
Monday, June 23, 2008
"Daddy Long Legs" Revealed
Lets start

Now lets move on to the Pholcus phalangioides, the kind of Cellar Spider that people usually refer to.
Finally, we come
That is the end to our little adventure into the world of the bugs we call "Daddy Long Legs". Keep on the look out for more animals "Revealed".
Spiders, Bugs, House Spiders, Giant House Spiders, Spider Pets, Spider Identification, Spider Habitat, Insects, Entomology, Camel Spiders, Solifugae, Sun Spider, Wind Scorpion, Assassin Spider, Crane Fly, Daddy Long Leg, Harvestmen, Cellar Spiders, Daddy Long Legs