The Assassin Spider is probably one of the weirdest spiders you will ever see. As you can see in the picture, the Assassin Spider hunts other spiders by using their extra long jaws to reach out and grab the spider, puncturing its body with sharp venomous fangs. The Assassin Spider needs a very long neck to support the jaws, and this is a clearly evolved aspect. For one thing, I am nearly 100% certain that no other spider has a neck at all. Also, the neck seems to have evolved twice, since the necks shapes and lengths change depending on the primary source of food for the spider. There used to be only two kinds of known Assassin Spiders, but recently scientists have discovered eight new species to add to the Archaeidae or Assassin Spider family. Assassin Spiders grow to a length of about an eighth of an inch, or about two milimeters. The venom of an Assassin Spider is harmless to humans, so people with Arachnophobia can rest easy knowing that this spider means no harm.
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Spiders, Bugs, House Spiders, Giant House Spiders, Spider Pets, Spider Identification, Spider Habitat, Insects, Entomology, Camel Spiders, Solifugae, Sun Spider, Wind Scorpion, Assassin Spider
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