Solifugae, also known as Camel Spiders, Sun Spiders, and Wind Scorpions, are probably one of the most exaggerated and lied about of any arachnid.
One of the biggest misconceptions is that Solifugae are spiders, which is not true.
Another myth is that Solifugae can run 25 miles per hour. This is a huge exaggeration, and the truth is that they can only run up to 10 miles per hour. One myth that is just plain weird is that at night, the Solifugae come out and inject an anesthetic into the body, then they eat your flesh leaving a gaping wound in the morning. This myth is not true for two main reasons. The first is that do not have any kind of anesthetic venom, or any venom at all for that matter. The second reason is that Solifugae rarely attack anything larger than themselves unless threatened. If you were to get bitten by one, it would most likely be very painful, and may become infected.

I hope this has cleared up the myths surrounding Solifugae. Stay on the look out for animals "Revealed".
Spiders, Bugs, House Spiders, Giant House Spiders, Spider Pets, Spider Identification, Spider Habitat, Insects, Entomology, Camel Spiders, Solifugae, Sun Spider, Wind Scorpion
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